Work History
Research Publications
Voluntary Duties
Personal Information
Mahlet Teshome Kebede

Mahlet Teshome Kebede

Addis Ababa,AA


I do strategy, guideline and policy development in the fields of science, technology, innovation, conservation of biodiversity and environment, social and governance. I have over 17+ years of experience covering the African continent in these areas. I also have the skills to support negotiation of partnerships bi-laterally or multilaterally from international treaty development to technology transfer agreements and access and benefit sharing agreements.


years of professional experience

Work History

Development and Science Policy Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2021 - Current
  • Developing and implementing the AU-EU Innovation Agenda, working as an AU Task Force member on IP and trade as it relates to the African Continental Free Trade Area
  • I help frame the mandate of operation of a Pan African Intellectual Property Organization and the potentials of subscribing to a continental system of IP regulation in Africa
  • I frame the legal issues of partnerships on education, S&T and Innovation concluding several agreements with partners that has revitalized the support to countries and promoted the sectors’ role in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and the AU Agenda 2063.

Biodiversity Program Coordinator

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2016 - 01.2021
  • Supported and coordinated 54 African countries on harmonized implementation of the CBD and its Protocols
  • Organized and led preparatory meetings before global negotiation sessions and participation of African countries in global fora in matters of biodiversity, biosafety, access to genetic resources and benefit sharing and cross cutting issues including climate change and sustainable development.
  • Analyzed global trends and negotiating positions and proposed directions based on regional and country interests.

Environmental Law Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2012 - 01.2016
  • Set up a coordination mechanism for the African Group in preparation for the ABS global negotiations towards the development of the treaty
  • With over 40+ participation of countries and Partners I led the development and adoption of the regional Guidelines on ABS and its Coordinated implementation in Africa.

Biosafety Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
03.2006 - 01.2012
  • Implemented the ‘African-wide Biosafety Capacity Building Project’
  • Developed various technical and legal papers for use of AU Member States in the development of their national biosafety laws
  • Established the coordination forum for the African Negotiators on Biosafety that voiced African interest in the global Conference of the Parties
  • Supported the development and adoption on the African Model Law on Biosafety and the African Strategy on Biosafety
  • Ensured biosafety issues were incorporated in the statutory program of the African Union.

Project Officer

Organization for Social Justice in Ethiopia
11.2005 - 03.2006
  • Initiated projects, worked on environmental cases for the legal aid clinic, followed up implementation of cases and projects, undertook research, advocacy and lobbied for better laws related to issues of environment and social justice.

National Project Coordinator

Environmental Protection Authority of Ethiopia
02.2003 - 03.2005
  • Served as the National Project Coordinator on the development of the National Biosafety Framework Project launched by the United Nations Environmental Program/Global Environment Facility at the Federal Environmental Protection Authority of Ethiopia
  • Developed various legal assessment documents, implementation guidelines that culminated in the development of Ethiopia’s first national Biosafety Proclamation
  • This served as legal framework in Ethiopia’s preparation in dealing with biotechnological products specifically genetically engineered organisms.


Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Development Studies - Environment and Development

Institute of Development And Research (Addis Ababa University)
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) -

Addis Ababa University
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


  • Providing legal opinions in multilateral environmental agreements
  • Diplomacy and negotiation of treaties/bi-lateral/multilateral agreements
  • Policy development and analysis in areas of sustainable development
  • Environmental, Social and Governance


English (Fluent)
Amharic (Fluent)
French (Rudimentary)


(+251) 911217284

Research Publications

  • International Liability Regime for Biodiversity Damage: The Nagoya-Kuala Lumpur Supplementary Protocol, One Legally-Binding Provision On Civil Liability: Why Was It So Important? A Negotiator’s Perspective, Mahlet Teshome and Elmo Thomas, Routledge, 2014,
  • Biosafety Policy of the African Union: Background, Instruments and Activities, AUC and GIZ, 2011
  • AU Guidelines for the Cooridnated Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit Sharing of Genetic Resources, AUC, 2015
  • Editor for various Biosafety Publications of the African Union Commission, Documents maybe submitted upon request
  • Biosafety Laws, Provided legal inputs on the Draft national biosafety laws of the following countries: Ethiopia-National Biosafety Proclamation of 2009 (Provided the Draft Law), Nigeria-Biosafety Bill of 2007, Swaziland-Biosafety Bill of 2008 and Malawi-Revised Biosafety Act 2010
  • Developed legal commentaries and briefing documents for the African Group of Negotiators on the negotiating items of the Conference of the Parties of the CBD and its Protocols; these technical papers were used to develop African common positions at each of the sessions.
  • An Overview of the Status of Biosafety in Africa, Mahlet Teshome, A research paper prepared for the UNECA- SDD, October 2005 prepared for the UN Biotech Africa Program under the then UNSDD.
  • The Biosafety Proclamation of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Mahlet Teshome and Tarik Kassa, May 2004-March 2005
  • Comparative Analysis of Selected Biosafety Elements as provided under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, the African Model Law on Safety in Biotechnology and the European Directives, Mahlet Teshome and Tarik Kassa, February 2004
  • Overview of the State of Environment and Genetic Engineering in Relation to the Legal Context of Biosafety in Ethiopia, Mahlet Teshome and Tarik Kassa, January 2004
  • MA Thesis: Biotechnology towards Development; A Legal Perspective of Biosafety in Ethiopia, July 2006
  • LLB Thesis: Electronic Commerce and its Legal Prerequisites in the Ethiopian Context, June 2002

Voluntary Duties

  • MELCA Ethiopia, founding member since January 2005 to date
  • Rotarian of the Rotary Club of Addis Ababa Central-Mella from February 2002 to 2012
  • Member of the Advisory Committee of The Compact
  • Core Team member of Destiny Ethiopia initiative

Personal Information

Nationality: Ethiopian


  • Prof. Mohammed Belhocine, Commissioner for Education, Science Technology, and Innovation, African Union Commission,
  • Mr. Worku Damena Yifru, Senior Legal Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity,
  • Dr. Hartmut Meyer, Team leader: ABS Capacity Development Initiative, GloBe - Department Sector and Global Programmes GiZ,


  • Holistic Foundations for Assessment and Regulation of Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms, Norwegian Institute of Gene Ecology (GenØk), 08/2006,
  • Climate Change Diplomacy, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), 05/2011,
  • Building Legal Frameworks to Implement the Nagoya Protocol, International Development Law Organization (IDLO), 08/2014,
  • United Nations Regional Course in International Law, United Nations Codification Division, 02/2015,
  • Intellectual Property in Practice: A Focus on Africa, PROLAW-African Union and Loyola University Chicago, 07/2015,
  • Technology Transfer and Acquisition: How Africa can get a better Deal, PROLAW-African Union and Loyola University Chicago, 02/2016,
  • Conflict Prevention and Peacemaking in Africa, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), 02/2018,
  • Negotiations Skills and Techniques, United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), 09/2018,
  • Strategic Planning: Strategic Planning Thinking Tools, Center for International Development and Training (CIDT), 03/2019,
  • Training in Legal Drafting and Legal writing, American Bar Association Rule of Law Initiative, 08/2019,
  • International Law of Cyber Operations, Cyber Law International and University of Reading, 08/2021,
  • Multilateral Environmental Agreements, University of Finland, UNEP and Center for Climate Change Energy and Environmental Law, 09/2021,
  • Introduction to Business intelligence, Corporate Finance Institute, 08/22/2023
  • Introduction to ESG and ESG Fundamentals, Corporate Finance Institute, 08/28/2023, 12/27/2023,


Development and Science Policy Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2021 - Current

Biodiversity Program Coordinator

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2016 - 01.2021

Environmental Law Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
01.2012 - 01.2016

Biosafety Expert

African Union Commission (AUC)
03.2006 - 01.2012

Project Officer

Organization for Social Justice in Ethiopia
11.2005 - 03.2006

National Project Coordinator

Environmental Protection Authority of Ethiopia
02.2003 - 03.2005

Master of Arts Degree (MA) in Development Studies - Environment and Development

Institute of Development And Research (Addis Ababa University)

Bachelor of Laws Degree (LLB) -

Addis Ababa University
Mahlet Teshome Kebede